For the complete Wireless Nurse call system solution in hospitals and frail care facilities and Wireless panic system

Wireless nurse call system
ICASA approved 433MHz wireless nurse call system. Complies to basic nurse call specifications. System comprises of bed call points, patient pearpush units, over door lights, duty station panel, data receiver, 12 volt PSU and repeaters where required.
Wireless Nurse call System mimic Panel

- Hospital nurse call bed point
- Frail care nurse call
NEW! A new wireless nurse call systems station. Yes it is wireless, it recieves signal from the patients wirelessly . The person on duty still has to go and switch off the call signal at the bed point where the button was pushed
Bed Units and Overdoor Lights
This are wireless devices which are mounted on flash mount or surface mount 4 x 2 boxes. They operate on batteries so there is no need for wires

- Code-Hopping Encryption
- Audible Piezo output
- Retransmits every 30sec if not reset
- AA Battery powered or 12VDC
- 150,000 Activations on set of AA batteries
- Wall mountable or Flush mountable
Pear Pushers
1.8m Cable Pear Pushers

1.8m in bed pear pusher
Wireless nurse call system based on remote wireless panic system

- Memory Capacity of 2000 Remotes
- Learn Remotes via a SMS message
- microSD card for backing up
- USB 2.0
- 40 Character custom text programmable
- SMS Input & Output commands for
- programming remotes via an SMS
- Internal Buzzer notification
This system can be used is in Frail Care nurse call systems, Shoping centre Panic system and Retirement Villages. It also work perfectly for housing estate alarm monitering, office alarm monitoring and resort alarm monitoring.
- Memory Capacity of 2000 Remotes
- Learn Remotes via a SMS message
- microSD card for backing up
- USB 2.0
- 40 Character custom text programmable
- SMS Input & Output commands for
- programming remotes via an SMS
- Internal Buzzer notification
- RS 485 Data receiver BUS
- Monitoring Software GUI with Reporting,
- User codes & full event logging of all actions
- Keeps time & date for several days if de-powered
Wiress Transimiter
Neck Chain Panic button transimitter Wall Mount wireless transimitters
Check our wired nurse call system
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